; this is the Txt file RBBS uses to display 90% of the text to the users ; this file must be converted to Fixed length format via the CVTRBBS file ; Comments are only allowed in the TXT file version ; Please do NOT edit the RBBSPC.LNG file unless you know what you are doing ; BPS Not Allowed , Welcome Back ! Security level set to Bps only for registered users User Not Found cannot be the same Guest privileges granted, Reregister on future calls Passwords Don't Match! Registration EXPIRES in NEW file(s) since last on NEWS file updated since last call New Mail for you (*= Private) Old Mail for you (* = Private) Please K)ill your old messages Reading globally Include only msgs Read What msgs (? for Help) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Original msg lines truncated to Message must be shorter then Please delete unneeded lines, then [C] continues reply Scanning Messages 30 Chars. max , 25 Chars. Max Message header changed Chat with SysOp not responding Leave a msg or comment Welcome to Please Quit Conference to change personal info No Conferences linked You are already in MEMBER privileges granted in GUEST privileges granted in Rejoining Message too long. Truncated to ; ; This is just a test for comments ; No NEWS available I'm Sorry but your time limit has expired You have MARKED files ! Time limit exceeded Remote DOS unavailable Only for remote SysOps No doors available Welcome back Name not valid here, Call recorded {C4Checking users... Callers File : error Drive/Path does NOT exist or bad name for Fms Dir Error has Occurred... try again ! Creating file list, one moment please... Sorry, Wildcards NOT allowed ! Sorry, Only ASCII files can be typed NOT found or bad spelling The following files were extracted... = Error extracting file : now Extracted ... Use the C)ompress command to create a One moment, compressing file(s).... Sorry Compression BAT file missing, Please notify SysOp.... File being creating for you... No File(s) to Compress, you must use the X)tract command first ! File has been Compressed and named... File extraction Not supported on this system Extracting File.... Wrong password ,This action is not permitted Press Enter to cancel Invalid answer < Auto-logoff, if successful not found is not a local user on Msg to ALL cannot be private Sending private mail to Password is Chars. max Password can't begin with '!' Search & replace > not found in Chat over, BBS resuming Already deposited max of Current Bank Balance: SysOp In Remote Console Mode Enter Name of Door to use including Extension No Such File Insufficient security for door chars min Default extension is Protected File...! has these files View not implemented for Searching for ( Begin with / if for Sysop only) or enter Abort to cancel) |-----. Must be: * ? = + - > @ $ M T < Fatal Error in Script! Unrecoverable failure in script! A)nsi Editor B)ullet C)ase F)ile H)ilite L)ine feeds N)ulls T)urboKey X)pert !)bell I)nternode chat page availability Toggle which option on/off? Scanning Directory Missing File . Please tell SysOp End list. L)ist, T)ype, V)iew, M)ark, D)nld, [Q]uit Listing of Upload directory available to SysOp only Enter PASSWORD to Download Sorry NO internal Protocols available Please Switch to N,8,1 for binary transfer Switch to a non-ASCII protocol ^X aborts. ^S suspends ^Q resumes ready. Press Any Key to start Correct name of file to upload Upload what file Checking list of Un-wanted Files for Checking OFF LINE file list for Invalid file name < already here, Upload anyway (Y,[N]) Overwrite file (Y,[N]) Unable to overwrite Thanks, but we already have Add new directory entry (Y,[N]) Upload disk has Acknowledge each line ([Y],N) Transfer MUST end with a System error! Upload aborted continues Extended Description for Upload Aborted Sysop aborted upload. STOP transfer. continues Unable to access Not enough minutes left! Need Edit files to download ([Y],N) New Statistics will be Download successful but not counted against ratios Search string or filename (wildcards OK, [ENTER] quits Files on/after MMDDYY, [S]ince No Room for uploads. Try tomorrow Security changed to Door reset security to will be notified of new Joining linked conferences Continue to linked conference Please set your communications package Intermediate host set to echo what you type Testing For ANSI support... Enter Filenames on Separate line ! (Empty line ENDS ) Transfer Stats on this file were as Follows... FileName Bytes Dtr Rate CPS Errors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OLD CALLER BAUD RESTRICTION ' is in use on another node Forget password ? Leave comment to SysOp (Y,[N]) NEW CALLER BAUD RESTRICTION Reenter password for Verification Review new files to download ([Y],N) Skip the bulletins (Y,[N]) , Thanks for comments! Check mail in Checking messages in Loading messages Mail you left No More messages allowed! Try Tomorrow |...25 characters Max....> Change Subject from not available now SysOp in from Enter new password Reenter new password Passwords don't match! No changes permitted Temporary change Used Temp password Password changed New Password mail for you Use the ANSI Full Screen Editor (Y,[N]) C)ontinue adding, D)elete lines, E)dit a line I)nsert lines, L)ist, M)argin change, R)evise subj, S)ave msg, ?)help C,D,E,I,L,M,R,S,?> Up to and including Line # (Enter = There are New Messages since last call, Read them now ([Y],N) Change sender's name from Change receiver's name from Change subject from Join what, L)ist M)ain N)ext, all/mail S)ince P)ers, or name ([Q]uit) you have been locked out of Read what bulletin(s), L)ist, S)ince, N)ews ([ENTER] = none) Read ALL new bulletins ([Y],N) CHAT with another Node (Y,[N]) * Ctrl-K(^K) / ^X aborts. ^S suspends, ^Q resumes * Delete comments (Y,[N]) List - U)sers, R)ecent callers Enter Choice (A,B,C,[G]) Enter Choice (A,C,[G]) No room for new users in Enter PASSWORD you'll use to logon again Granted access level Change to R)BBS, C)aller's software Text Graphics: Do You want colorized prompts ( Press [G] for instant logoff Logoff Aborted... Upload directory missing. Tell SysOp T)ype, X)tract, C)ompress, L)ist dir, D)nld, K)ill ,H)elp or [Enter] Quits What file(s) to Type, R)elist or [ENTER] to Quit What file(s) to Extract, R)elist or [ENTER] to Quit What file(s) to Kill, or [ENTER] to quit COPYRITE.DEF file missing, Please make it available Registration Check Failed Sysop name attempted Locked out attempt Password Attempt Failed Auto Lockout done Name in use on another Node! ... Locked reason read! Expired Registration MENU0 not on default drive Enter password No help for Security Violation! SysOp can reinstate Auto-Logoff Counter Active... Input too long! Try again Use what distribution list (H)elp) Send anyway? (Y,[N]) Really send this to YOURSELF (Y,[N]) Carbon copy to another user ? (Y,[N]) Receiver(s) MUST know password to read msg. Use password (Y,[N]) Only sender & receiver can kill THREAD: +)forward, -)back, 1)from origin ([ENTER] quits) mins left. D)eposit, W)ithdraw, H)elp, [Q]uit Exit to DOS using a DOOR (Y,[N]) Enter PASSWORD to View Upload best fits what category Test or Convert Cannot FORCE OFF until user reaches main menu Cannot change status during Conference! # of caller's log ([Q]uit, L)ist, 1,..., lines left to search. Really go non-stop? (Y,[N]) What ASCII file(s) to Type Check conferences for mail/uploads ([Y],N) Press any key to continue Jump to what text A)dd, L)st, P)rt, M)od, S)can users Scan for N)ame, P)wd, C) D)el F)ind M)enu N)ewPW P)rnt R)eset Grfx C) S)ecLvl U)ser# X)fer Cnts T)ime Used B)ank Acct What Record # Delete user (Y,[N]) Enter PASSWORD you'll use to logon again